About Us
Training is the first step to safe flying. MTP is owned and staffed by experienced pilots and examiners ready to help you fine tune your flying skills, enabling you to become a better safer pilot.
Our staff of accomplished instructors include seasoned aviation professionals, Part 121 airline and Part 135 charter check airmen, as well as FAA designated pilot examiners (DPE), culminating in over 40,000 hours of combined flight and aviation training experience.
From revisiting the basics of flying to advanced cockpit equipment and procedures, you will be a safer and better pilot by choosing MTP as your training provider.

Our Services

Specializing in real world aviation training that exceeds industry standards, we provide insurance approved initial and recurrent training in a variety of turbine and cabin class aircraft, including:
- Beechcraft King Air series, including the B100
- Socata TBM
- Pilatus PC-12
- Piper PA-46(T) M series
- Piper PA-31 series, including the Cheyenne
- Twin Cessna, Chancellor, Crusader, 425, and the Cessna P210
- Cessna Citation CE500, CJ CE525/525S, and CE560XL/XLS Series
- Citation 500 Single Pilot Exemptions (through Aeromania LLC Exemption 11421A)
Instrument Skills Rusty?
Making good decisions in flight starts good training on the ground. If your instrument skills and procedures need some help, take advantage of our full motion flight simulator to get your skills back without burning up time on your aircraft.
Our in-house Redbird flight simulator creates real world flight scenarios in a safe, instructed environment to help you improve your panel scanning technique and perfect your flying skills.
Although there is no substitute for actual flight training, when it makes sense to train in a simulator, we've got you covered!

How Can We Help?
We will design real world and effective aviation training to fit your budget and experience, either at our Indianapolis location or onsite at your facility.
Contact UsThe Trainers
Zachary J. Grant
Zach is a captain for a major US airline. His career spans 35 years, some 25,000 plus hours logged in over 300 different aircraft types and experience in general aviation, flight instruction,
corporate, Part 121 and Part 135 scheduled and charter air carrier experience. He earned B.S. degrees in Aviation Management and Flight Technology from Florida Institute of Technology where he also
served as an alumni advisor to the College of Aeronautics.
Zach holds an Airline Transport Pilot certificate with type ratings in the A320, B737, B757, B767, BA3100, BE300, CE500, DC-8, DC-10, and SF-340, as well as Single Engine Land and Sea ratings. He also
holds Certified Flight Instructor-Airplane, Instrument and Multi-engine certificates, Airframe and Powerplant Mechanic certificates, and is active as a Check Airman. He was the Fleet Training Manager at ATI Airlines.
His previous air carrier experience includes duties as captain and/or check airman with Chautauqua Airlines, ATA Airlines, Air Transport International (ATI), North American Airlines, and United Airlines.
Zach was responsible for advancing Solutions Air Charter to a full authority Part 135 certificate and piloted that air carrier’s initial jet proving runs.
In his spare time, Zach is an avid aircraft owner, an EAA Flight Advisor, past President of the International Comanche Society, as well as an instructor pilot and check airman for training and certification in
multiple corporate aircraft types.
JC Buehler
JC Buehler is a professional pilot and FAA Designated Pilot Examiner with 19,500 hours flight time, holding an Airline Transport Pilot certificate with Commerical Rotorcraft-Helicopter privileges, and a
Certified Flight Instructor certificate with Airplane Single and Multi-Engine Land and Instrument-Airplane privileges. He is type-rated in the CE500/550, Westwind, B727, B737, B757, B767, CE525S and CE560XL
with Single Pilot authority in Citation 500/501/550/560, and S2 models. He is a DPE/PPE for Single Pilot Exemption 11421 with Aeromania, LLC, and attended Indiana University, and the I.U. McKinney School of
Law where he teaches aviation law.
From 1983 to 2008, JC was a pilot, instructor, and check airman with ATA Airlines. He served on the Runway Incursion Working Group, the ICAO Disruptive Passenger Task Force, and various Airlines for America
committees. JC formed Solutions Air Charter in 2007 and was the director of operations and a check airman until March 2023.
JC has been a Designated Pilot Examiner since 2006 with authority for fixed-wing ratings/certificates from Sport to ATP and CFI, as well as CE-500/550/560, CE-525/525S, CE560XL/XLS type ratings and FAR 61.58 proficiency checks. He is a member of AOPA, EAA, NBAA, the Society of Aviation and Flight Educators (SAFE), the Lawyer-Pilots Bar Association, the Aviation Lawyers Association, NAFI, and Quiet Birdmen. He is chairman of the Indiana Aviation Hall of Fame, Inc., formerly Grissom Air Museum Trustee, and Legal Advisor, Heroes Club, Inc. and a volunteer deputy with the Hamilton County Sheriff’s Department.
Contact Us
Our Address
5658 Central Ave
Indianapolis, Indiana 46220
Email Us
Call Us
(317) 225-2757
(317) 201-4293